Today as Caleb and I drove to school we talked about his book that he took to school to share this week. It was the book that the Levasheff family gave to him. He loves this book for many reasons. One he finally got the "yellow" car to play the game at the back of the book. Two the book has buttons that make sounds when you read through it. Three, and most importantly, it was his friend Judson's book. He was going to share his book today with his class. He asked me why the book was given to him. I told him that the Levasheff family knew that he would love it. Then he looked out the window and saw a turquoise classic Ford truck. CMR said "mommy I like that funny truck, and I think Judson would like it too." I responded "I know he would!" This then began the most amazing little conversation I have had with Caleb in a long time.
See Judson passed away over 2 years ago and Caleb never got to actually meet Jud but he has been able to get to know him through his sister Jessie and his parents, Drake and Christina. Caleb asked me some hard questions like "why did Jud die?" I explained that he got sick and that now he is in heaven with Jesus. In that moment it was as if the car slowed down and the Holy Spirit was sitting right there with us. Looking at a picture of Jud that I had in my purse Caleb asked "He's with Jesus?" I answered "Yep, he is." So our conversation went on to talk about how God loves us and how Jesus died on the cross for us and how we need Jesus in our hearts. All to which Caleb stated "Mommy I love Jesus!" We also talked about how Caleb wished Jud could be here so that they could play cars together, and I wished he was as well. They would have been great buds! But instead Caleb gets to share his book at school with all his friends today and he gets to tell them how it was his friend Jud's book. But most of all because of this book he gets to share how Jesus loves us.
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