Monday, November 15, 2010

Chocolate Milk

CMR: "Mom can you make me some chocolate milk?"
Me: "Sure!"

10 minutes later
Caleb comes into the office with chocolate all down the side of his shirt, on his face, and all over his hands. I thought to myself, "wow, you sure did have a hard time drinking that milk!" Little did I know he had long gone finished the milk I made for him and decided to make his "own" chocolate milk with "extra" chocolate. I have to take some blame as I did think to myself, hum...I should put this chocolate back up in the cupboard, but I left it  on the counter and thought that my boy would not do that "again!" 

Me: "Caleb am I going to find chocolate milk everywhere?"
CMR:"Well, no, I only split a little bit!"

As I turned the corner out to the living room, no milk! I thought to myself "pretty good CMR!' Then I turned into the kitchen where I found a cup dripping with chocolate and a tiny but of milk and the spoon he used...still not too too bad as it was in the sink.  Then I looked to the counter...empty chocolate container... "CALEB!!!" He came into the kitchen "what?" He saw nothing wrong. Ok so I let him go, then I looked down and well there is where I found ALL the chocolate and a little bit of milk! "CALEB!!!" He came back into the kitchen, "what?"

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